Adam Georgiou

145 posts published

An Italian Poem

Happy. Lover. Fun. Sweet sadness. Sun. Boating. Company. Shallow, innocent, smiles. Immovable, balanced, aimless beauty. Salty rocks and dark, clear, water. Gross, impressive, sail boats. Lighthearted, short-lived, jealousy. Virtuous, incorruptible, happiness. Minimal, intense, natural color. Neighbors. Shipwrecks. Wild, mountaintop, cactus fruit, thorns and all. Those endless clouds again… Fish flowers, dumb and delicious. Everyday a new view. Squinting, purposefully, purely.


Brands are powerful. They’re convenient containers in which we can easily pack up and pass around dense information. But there’s a catch: information loss. We throw away depth in exchange for efficiency. What does “McDonalds” mean? What does “The Swastika” symbol mean? What does “Middle Class” mean? Most arguments are the result of mis-communication; conflicting assumptions about the fundamentals of the topic being discussed. You call yourself pro-choice. I call myself pro-life. We both ass

Ya' do it cause you gotta do it...

Too many people looking for prestige in their performance. Ya’ do it cause you gotta do it, cause it’s the thing you should be doing. Prestige and power is us and them. It’s isolation. More of the same. Music for music’s sake is a reminder that we are more of the same. Temporarily separated, but barreling back at break-neck speeds to the abyss of togetherness. We’re going back there, to where we came from and where we’re going to, to spend an infinite multitude of time, peacefully balancing wi


When the cliff hanging over you is so dense that you’re eyes need to adjust to the sudden darkness, you know you’re in it heavy. A building, in the middle of implosion, falling toward your back, and you’ve got to out run it or die. Each direction chosen in real time, each bump dealt with through a combination of light like reflexes and weathered wisdom, all the while traveling faster than you though you could think. No options, just momentum. Perfect flow. Perfect immediacy. Truly continuous


Abandoned ruins appropriated as valuable, no one asks why they were abandoned in the first place. Typographic diarrhea, shallowly swooned over. Overused, under-thought, in-cohesive spew masquerading as appreciable underneath a king’s cloak of fog and smoke. The same people evangelizing detoxification, living in asbestos lined buildings built on top of broken bottles and cigarette butts. It seems something is wrong, practicing yoga in a town with no trees. Loglo selfishly employed, naively sol

An Excerpt from "Shakey" by Jimmy McDonough

Neil Young has been remarkably consistent on the subject of songwriting over the years: It happens, I don’t understand it, I’m grateful and it’s pretty pointless to talk about it. I pity the poor fool who attempts to crack the meaning of his lyrics as if breaking a code. It can’t be done – not with Young’s help, at least, and he doesn’t care. Although he’d never put it this way, I get the feeling Neil Young views songwriting almost superstitiously, like a conjurer’s gift. Define it – question it

Mindful of the Music

It’s a tragedy to see a show sitting down. Watching some nostalgia machine pump out its product in a room full of dead women and lazy boys. A single suit stands, his tie long gone along with his hair, but he doesn’t care as he dances in the open aisle. Most ignore this dude’s craziness, pretend he isn’t there, because they’ve been dead so long they don’t remember what life looks like and they are embarrassed by the void. That guy dancing in the aisle, though, he’s eternal, he’s the light of

A Jotted Down Memory From My First Trip to New Orleans

I’m sitting in a cafe, reading “A Moveable Feast”, decompressing after a day’s work with a Sierra Nevada beer, and waiting for Tommy and Lauren to come in and join me. In the meantime, another potential love interest walks in, and I make eye contact with her, I smile, and she smiles. It happens again, and a handful of times more, but then my friends finally arrive, and I shift my concentration. I start talking with my friends and, it being the finish of my stay in New Orleans, there are a lot

Who Cares?

No one cares thatGary Clark Jr []is black. He still shreds. No one cares thatAllen Stone []is white. He’s still got soul. No one cares thatNeil Young []is pushing 70. He’s still innovating. No one cares thatBrandon Niederauer “TAZ” []is eleven. He’s still skilled. No one cares thatTedeschi Trucks Band []is lead

A Run

I step out of my procrastination and onto the road, ready to pick up the run I’ve been putting off. The moment I finally make it from the trap of my desk chair to the threshold of my front door, that same smell of summer and spring hits me all over again, and the motif of my life is reaffirmed. Immovable laziness floats away, replaced by motivation and lightness of mind. I’ve transitioned perspectives, and now I’m ready to ride. Ditching my headphones, I’m hoping to hear something I might of

A Little Birdy Told Me This

I’m walking down the street, trying to clear my head before bed. It’s 2AM, and I happen to hear this crazy ass bird, lost in its own home, eerily echoing its ramblings off of the brick and concrete confusion that is the city I have just moved to. Not the town I grew up in, but close to it. Anyway, I keep walking, and my attention shifts. The sweet smells of summer have begun to descend in the form of spring, bringing with them a hybrid nostalgic excitement. A feeling so familiar you can clo

About A Girl I Like

Lying nose to nose, I look into your pale, blue, bright eyes, and see them smiling at me. And I make an effort to realize that you’re a person, not just a means to satisfaction. Understanding that makes me smile, as I realize that the moment is mutual and that I am happy because you seem happy. The hand I’m holding isn’t a pawn played toward another unbuttoned fly. It’s the hand of a person, just like mine. There’s purpose, and perspective, and longing in that hand, just like in mine. And I st


They feign curiosity, but their only intent is to unrelentingly criticize with hollow arguments and offer unsolicited advice with unsubstantiated authority. They do this over and over again, permuting arbitrarily through unrelated topics until you are disoriented to the point of craving escape, or until every reserve of your patience has been exhausted, or both In the former case, where you feel the need to flee, they blame you for your lack of participation and the subsequent degradation of re

Catch-22 by Joseph Heller

I got the point: war is absurd and bureaucracy multiplies the immorality and ineffectiveness of fighting to solve a problem. And for what it's worth, to me the book get's the point out there in a really witty way. The entire Milo subplot is hysterical and relatable, and Colonel Cathcart's completely superficial appreciation of his authority and warped sense of responsibility resonates with anyone that's had a shitty manager in their life. Apply it all to war, and then go on to realize that wars

The Holidays

I was walking from Penn. to work today, like I do everyday, but this morning was especially nice. It was cold, the sidewalks were icy and sprinkled with old snow and new salt, and the sky was perfectly blue and clear. After about 15 minutes of walking, I went into a coffee shop to get some coffee. I opened the door to the place and right as I did I got that great relieving feeling you get from walking into a heated room after being out in the cold; when warmth envelops your cold face, evaporati

A Poem About Why I Love Artists

I fall for her understanding, the reality of her real, her effortless authenticity, her disregard for compromise, the way she makes me truly feel… …naive, as if this reprieve were mutual. Cause when the track stops, and the stage is struck, and the house lights and music team up to together make their nightly eviction, She is still ideal, but I am estranged. It’s so bad and sad that this singer’s songs seduce. But it sure is good to dive into being alive, and let my preoccupied mind dissolve

Why I Read

I started reading Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace today. I bought the book a few months ago after having seen it mentioned a few times in random articles and having heard Stephen King recommend it. Now, I’ve never read anything by Stephen King. By chance, I had come across some interview he’d given where he mentioned the book, and knowing that he is a popular author and having liked what he was saying at the time (I don’t remember what it was about), I momentarily – and superficially – va

A Quote from Kurt Vonnegut

> Do not do so as an academic critic, nor as a person drunk on art, nor as a barbarian in the literary market place. Do so as a sensitive person who has a few practical hunches about how stories can succeed or fail. -Kurt Vonnegut [] My take: Don’t do things in a cerebral vacuum; don’t assign arbitrary meaning, presuming the artist has (or doesn’t have) a license to kill; an